Skills Course
Online, Asynchronous, Self-paced
Rolling enrollment
Course Description
This course is designed to assist arts educators (music, theatre, dance, visual art) is their ability to design and deliver successful instructions to students who are on the autistic spectrum. Each module includes a chapter reading, a video lecture, and real-life set of teacher stories to put information into perspective. In most cases video examples of students in arts (e.g. music, dance, theatre)-based instruction will be used as examples.
Course Type: Online, Asynchronos, Self-Paced
Instructor: Ryan Hourigan

Learning Objectives
- Understand a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and how it may affect the teaching and learning relationship between the teacher and student
- Understand the communication challenges associated with ASD as well as adaptations and modifications that may assist students with communication in the arts classroom
- Understand the cognitive challenges associated with ASD as well as adaptations and modifications that may assist students with cognition in the arts classroom
- Understand the behavior challenges associated with ASD as well as adaptations and modifications that may assist students with behavior in the arts classroom
- Understand the socialization challenges associated with ASD as well as adaptations and modifications that may assist students with socialization in the arts classroom
- Understand the sensory challenges associated with ASD as well as adaptations and modifications that may assist students with sensory disfunction in the arts classroom
Contact Us
Phone: 765-285-8565
Materials Provided
This course covers inclusion practices for practicing K-12 teachers; self-contained practices for K-12 teachers, lesson planning strategies, behavior strategies and supports for K-12 teachers, and community arts programs.
Measure of Performance
At the end of each module, you will complete a quiz that reinforces understanding of the module content.Self assessment through content-based quizzes at the end of each module. If you have any questions while you are taking this course, you may email the instructor.
Course Requirements
Each module will contain required readings out of the book, “Teaching Music to Students with Autism(2nd edition.)” by Alice M. Hammel and Ryan M. Hourigan. The book is required to purchase and can be found online through Amazon.
Teaching Music to Students w/ Autism Amazon Book Link
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please fill out the self-disclosure form. The Office of Disability Services coordinates services for students with disabilities. Documentation of a disability needs to be on file in that office before any accommodations can be provided.