Leadership Skills Course


Ongoing Enrollment


2022-2023 Term

Price: $600.00

Course Description

Construction is one of the largest contributors to the nation’s economy, with over 7 million employees building nearly $1.3 trillion worth of structures. This program is built around a series of key skills that are vital for success within the construction sector. Architects, landscape architects, engineers, and interior designers are welcome to apply as well.

Targeted skills in this program include construction leadership, teamwork, cost and time control, quality assurance and control, and risk control. This is the perfect program for those wishing to know more of the construction process.

Learning Objectives

In this course, you will learn skills that are vital for success, including:

  • Construction leadership
  • Teamwork in the built environment
  • Cost control
  • Time control
  • Quality assurance and control
  • Risk control

Contact Us

Email: lifetimelearning@bsu.edu
Phone: 765-285-8565

Materials Provided

Each module in this course contains text, images, videos, reflection questions, and quizzes.

Measure of Performance

  • Badge upon completion of course 
  • Certificate of completion for course

Course Requirements

Intended for:

  • Project engineer, superintendent, project manager
  • Controller, accountant, coordinator
  • Architect, designer, engineer

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please fill out the self-disclosure form. The Office of Disability Services coordinates services for students with disabilities. Documentation of a disability needs to be on file in that office before any accommodations can be provided.

Price: $600.00