Test Preparation
Start Anytime
Ongoing enrollment
Course Description
Throughout this course, you will learn about the various components of the Elementary Literacy edTPA. By the end of the course, you will be prepared to complete your own portfolio for submission. To complete this course, you will need access to the Elementary Literacy edTPA Handbook, as well as Making Good Choices and Understanding Rubric Level Progressions documents. They are available from Pearson and/or your Educator Preparation Program.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
Contact Us
Email: lifetimelearning@bsu.edu
Phone: 765-285-8565
Course Requirements
Participants must be enrolled in an elementary educator preparation program that requires edTPA.
Required Materials
To complete this course, you will need access to the Elementary Literacy edTPA Handbook, as well as Making Good Choices and Understanding Rubric Level Progressions documents. They are available from Pearson and/or your Educator Preparation Program.
Measure of Performance
Students who complete all quizzes in the course will receive a certificate.
Course Accommodations
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please fill out the self-disclosure form. The Office of Disability Services coordinates services for students with disabilities. Documentation of a disability needs to be on file in that office before any accommodations can be provided.
Students can view the course through a website or by downloading the Brightspace app called Brightspace Pulse. Students can download the free app from any App store.
Instructor Bio
Dr. Jackie Sydnor, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Elementary Education at Ball State University
Dr. Jackie Sydnor is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Elementary Education at Ball State University. Her scholarly interests include supporting aspiring and new teachers’ professional identity development and reflective practice, and effective mentoring and induction support. Dr. Sydnor has authored journal articles and book chapters in journals such as The Teacher Educator, Action in Teacher Education, New Educator, Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, and Teacher Education Quarterly. She has taught numerous graduate and undergraduate courses in elementary education and literacy, as well as supervised student teachers. Her past and current service roles include Chair of the Department of Elementary Education, Assistant Chair, Program Area Leader of the Literacy Education Program, co-editor of the Indiana State Literacy Journal, and Program Chair of the American Educational Research Association’s Lives of Teachers Special Interest Group. Dr. Sydnor began her career as a first-grade teacher and later an educational interventionist in Indianapolis. She earned a master's degree from Indiana University – Indianapolis, and a PhD in Literacy, Culture, and Language Education, with a minor in teacher education from Indiana University – Bloomington. Dr. Sydnor served on the National Advisory Committee fro the Praxis Teaching Reading: K-12 Assessment and authored Case Analysis for Effective Teaching: K-8 Literacy for Pearson Publishing. Professional recognitions include “Outstanding Teaching” (2016) and “Outstanding Service” (2020) awards from Ball State’s Teachers College.