Test Prep

Virtual Online

One-on-one sessions with instructor

Flexible schedule

Instructor and student set schedule

Spring 2024

Price: $499.00

Course Description

Domains and Percentage on Exam

Domain I: Scientific Principles of Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders - 25%

Domain II: Evidence-Based Screening and Assessment - 20%

Domain III: Evidence-Based Treatment, Counseling, and Referral - 30%

Domain IV: Professional, Ethical, and Legal Responsibilities - 25%


Learning Objectives

Domain I: Scientific Principles of Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders

  • Recognize how addiction effects the brain (e.g., disease model, reward pathways, tolerance, and cravings)
  • Identify risk factors for developing substance use disorders (e.g., trauma, family history)
  • Identify behavior, patterns, and progressive stages of substance use disorders
  • Differentiate among common substances of abuse and their characteristics
  • Pharmacology (e.g., drug classifications, interactions, cross-tolerance)
  • Signs and symptoms of intoxication and overdose
  • Stages and symptoms of withdrawal
  • Physiological, psychological, and social effects
  • Identify signs and symptoms of co-occurring mental health conditions
  • Identify signs and symptoms of co-occurring medical conditions (e.g., cirrhosis, respiratory deficits, sexually transmitted infections)


  • Utilize established interviewing techniques (e.g., Motivational interviewing, probing, questioning)
  • Utilize established screening and assessment methods and instruments (e.g., ASI, ACE, SASSI)
  • Identify methods and interpret results from drug and alcohol testing
  • Utilize established diagnostic criteria for evaluating substance use (i.e., DSM)
  • Assemble a comprehensive client biopsychosocial history (e.g., health, family, employment, collateral sources)
  • Determine the course of action to meet the individual's immediate and ongoing needs
  • Determine level of care based on placement criteria


  • Demonstrate practicing and responding to verbal and non-verbal communication skills
    • Learning styles
    • Communication styles(e.g.,person-centered language)
  • Recognize methods and opportunities to build rapport with clients
  • Review client's patterns and methods of use
  • Recognize and respond to emergency/crisis events (e.g., de-escalation)
  • Recognize when to utilize and how to facilitate referrals for clients (e.g., case management, follow up)
  • Identify and respond to concerns related to specific populations (e.g., LGBTQ+, pregnancy, youth, justice-involved, housing insecure)
  • Collaborate with multidisciplinary team, other professionals, and client supports (e.g., family) to determine and provide care
  • Recognize the relationship between substance use and trauma
    • Effect on client (e.g., adverse childhood experiences, domestic violence)
    • Effect on counselor (e.g., vicarious trauma, burnout)
  • Utilize methods to address client ambivalence or resistance to change
  • Utilize best practices in developing and updating a treatment plan
    • Goals and objectives
    • Strategies and interventions (e.g., relapse prevention, coping skills)
    • Identify available resources to meet client needs
    • Utilize counseling approaches specific to group sessions
      • Structured curriculum and process
      • Group dynamics and cohesiveness
      • Recognize elements of discharge planning
      • Explore multiple pathways of recovery (e.g., MAT, holistic health, support groups)
      • Utilize methods and techniques for providing feedback (e.g., reflection, reframing, clarification)
      • Recognize when to terminate the counseling process
      • Adhere to established professional codes of ethics and standards to uphold client rights.
      • Provide culturally-sensitive services that recognize the uniqueness of the individual.
      • Continue professional development through education, self‐evaluation, clinical
      • Identify and evaluate client needs that are outside of the counselor's ethical scope
      • Uphold client's rights to privacy and confidentiality according to best
      • Obtain written consent to release information from the client and/or legal
      • Prepare concise, clinically accurate, and objective reports and records.


Contact Us

Email: lifetimelearning@bsu.edu
Phone: 765-285-8565

Measure of Performance

Upon completion of this course,students should be able to:

  • Apply the knowledge in each domain to direct practice situations
  • In small groups, evaluate and answer sample test questions 
  • Identify the key areas of study that apply to the CADC test.
  • Develop test taking skills that apply to Clinical Skills test

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please fill out the self-disclosure form. The Office of Disability Services coordinates services for students with disabilities. Documentation of a disability needs to be on file in that office before any accommodations can be provided.

Price: $499.00