Career Training


Ongoing Enrollment

6 Weeks


Price: $99.00

Course Description

Dive into the dynamic realm of AI, reshaping industries and fostering growth. Join our interactive course, led by AI specialists, to uncover the intricacies of generative AI. Acquire vital proficiencies in AI tool utilization and master problem-solving through hands-on experience. Gain insights into AI implementation in organizational contexts.

Module 1: The Basics of AI

Module 2: AI Fundamentals and Ethics

Module 3: Gen AI & Prompt Engineering

Module 4: Evaluating and Improving Gen AI Performance

Module 5: Using AI to Solve Real-Life Problems

Module 6: AI Productivity Hacks


Learning Objectives

Master Key AI Principles

Immerse yourself in the fundamentals of AI, its evolution, and inner workings. Explore the realms of Deep Learning, Algorithms, and Neural Networks. This module demystifies technical jargon, enabling you to comprehend advanced concepts, engage in AI discourse, and delve deeper into AI-related subject matter.

Deciphering AI Models

Unravel the mysteries behind intricate AI models that seem like sorcery. This module simplifies leading models, presenting them in accessible terms. Discover the inner workings and optimal application scenarios of these models, empowering you to harness their potential.

Dive into AI Fundamentals and Ethics

Embark on a journey to grasp the core principles underpinning AI models. Delve into the ethical dimensions and potential risks associated with AI technologies, equipping yourself with knowledge on how to ethically navigate the contemporary business landscape.


Contact Us

Phone: 765-285-8565

Materials Provided

All materials are included within the course.

Measure of Performance

Upon completing trAInify’s Artificial Intelligence Course, you’ll receive a professional certificate to share with your network and showcase all that you’ve learned.

Course Requirements

A technical background is not required for this course. Our AI courses are designed to be accessible and beneficial to individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill levels.

If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please fill out the self-disclosure form. The Office of Disability Services coordinates services for students with disabilities. Documentation of a disability needs to be on file in that office before any accommodations can be provided.

Price: $99.00